Delaware Subscribed Articles

Delaware Subscribed Articles

"Enough is Enough" video conferenve

The League of Women Voters of Sussex County issued a press release regarding the upcoming "Enough is Enough" video conference on 6/19/20.

Delaware Elections Update

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County hosted a web conference with the Delaware Election Commissioner, Anthony Albence, on election changes due to Covid-19. The webinar and key take-aways can be viewed by clicking on "Read more."

SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS ARE COMING. (children in front of chalkboard with books)

Upcoming School Board Candidate Forums

The Delaware state PTA will host virtual candidate forums at the end of June, 2020, for the following school districts:

Logo of the League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters of the United States issued a statement in reference to the murder of George Floyd. Please click on "Read more" to access it.

Title slide: Delaware Elections Update (with thumbnail photos of hosts & speaker)

Delaware Election Commissioner Athony Albence spoke with the League of Women Voters in May 2020 about recent election changes due to the COVID-19 crisis. The full 85-minute video can be viewed here.

Delaware map

On Thursday May 7, 2020, Delaware Governor John Carney issued a 15th modification to his State of Emergency declaration, further delaying the 2020 Delaware presidential primary and school board elections.

President's Message by Marj Johnson
Blog Post

Read President Marjorie Johnson's message for May 2020 here.

League of Women Voters of Sussex County, DE
Press Mention

A letter to the editor on the need for improved buffer zone ordinances for wetlands and waterways was submitted by Gwendolyn Miller, president of the League of Women Voters of Sussex County. It appeared in the Cape Gazette on 4/24/20. Please "Read more" to read the letter.

United States 2020 Census
Public Statement

The LWVSC issued a press release on 4/2/2020 regarding responding to the Census. Please click on 'Read more' for the full information provided.

2020 Census

THE CENSUS: Your Invitation to Respond. If you haven’t responded yet, it is not too late!
