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Equality is Essential for Democracy to Work

Equality is Essential for Democracy to Work

Equality is Essential for Democracy to Work

Why Vote411

What Do You VOTE411?

Voter education and empowerment are critical components of our mission.

What Do You VOTE411?
clean water act

Delaware Clean Water Act, HB200

Governor John Carney, LWV Environment & Natural Resources Chair Charlie Garlow, and Representative Longhurst celebrating the passage of the DE Clean Water Act, HB200, in Lewes DE 2022.

Clean Water Act
MLK Event

Martin Luther King Day 2023

The 2023 Annual Banquet was held on Saturday, January 14th, 2023. In attendance included Lt. Governor Bethany Long Hall, Rep. Ruth Briggs King and Stell Parker Selby, to name a few. Gwendolyn Miller represented the LWVDE.

Celebrating MLK Day in Delaware
African Women Group

Reaching Out

Gwendolyn Miller & Letty Diswood spoke to 20 women representing the Student Leaders on Women's Leadership from Sub-Saharan Africa.

bill signing

Bill signing of several environmental-protection bills

Peggy Schutz was front and center at a recent bill signing of several environmental protection bills that the League supported.


A Voice for Citizens - A Force for Change

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.

hand holding world half blue green and half red brown
Event Date: 
Sep 23 2024 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
Event location: 

Zoom webinar

The LWVDE Climate Change and Energy Committee is sponsoring an interactive online event using the En-Roads Climate Solutions Simulator.

Flier is shown with candidate photos for Aug 22, 2024 Lt. Gov candidate forum co-sponsored by LWVDE and AKA
Event Date: 
Aug 22 2024 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm
Event location: 

Zoom Webinar

I case you were unable to attend the Lt. Governor Candidate Forum, click READ MORE to watch the recorded video of the event.

Forum moderator shown at podium with League of Women Voters banner

LWVNCC has hosted Primary candidate forums for two NCC county-wide offices: President of NCC County Council, and NCC County Executive, in August 2024. This article contains video from those two forums as well as a listing of other NCC and statewide forums available for Delaware voters before the Sept 10, 2024, Delaware Primary Election.

Candidate Forum bannerThis election year, Sussex LWV is excited to be presenting several public forums featuring candidates in some of the most closely watched districts in the county -- as well as the first gubernatorial forum to be held in Sussex County!

Primary Candidates Vote411

Delaware candidate information for the Sept 10, 2024 State Primary Election went live on VOTE411 on 8/5/2024.

2024 Convention

Click on Members Only on the sidebar menu to view the highlights of the 2024 LWVUS Convention 
held in Washington DC on June 27 to 30. 
(You must be a member of LWV and be signed in to access Members Only.) 

De logo

The League of Women Voters of Delaware publishes a quarterly newsletter,
Click READ MORE for the Summer 2024 Voter Newsletter.