LWV Wheaton and Naperville at Bilingual Parents' Event

LWV Wheaton and Naperville at Bilingual Parents' Event

Table at Bilingual Parent's Event

Members of the Wheaton and Naperville Leagues, representing LWVIL, hosted a table at this year’s Statewide Summit for members of Bilingual Parent Advisory Councils (BPACs) and parents of English Learners (ELs) sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center.  We shared information about the League, VOTE411 and voter election information and learned what issues were most important to many of the 1200 parents who attended this year’s event.  

BPAC help staff, parents, and the community to advocate for our students that may speak another language other than English and to create a community that works together to establish the best learning collaboration possible.  Did you know that in Illinois, a school district is required to have a BPAC when there are 20 English learner (EL) students of the same home language?  The BPAC is mostly made up of bilingual parents & legal guardians, as well as teachers and other school staff and EL community leaders.


League to which this content belongs: 
Wheaton, Illinois