Social Media - Wheaton LWV

Social Media - Wheaton LWV

Learn about the activities of the League of Women Voters through our social media. Read our social media policy.


X (formerly Twitter)

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 Instagram Sample of Photos


Watch videos on our YouTube channel.


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League of Women Voters Social Media Policy 

The League of Women Voters of Wheaton (LWVW) welcomes all points of view. We want to encourage comments that are respectful, helpful, and on topic. We welcome comments, critiques, questions, and suggestions. By posting comments on any of the LWVW social media sites (including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), you are agreeing to the following: All comments left are the responsibility of the commenter. By submitting a comment on any of our pages, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold this site, LWVW, harmless from any and all repercussions, damages, or liability. LWVW reserves the right to delete or mark as spam any and all comments. We also have the right to block access to anyone from posting to any of our social media pages.

When commenting, please keep the following guidelines. If you choose not to comply, your message will be removed:

  • Keep your comments respectful and on topic. We welcome and encourage discussion of issues and disagreement. But keep in mind that the following will not be tolerated in comments on our page:
    • Personal attacks or vulgar, abusive, offensive, threatening or harassing images and/or language. This includes creative spellings of swear words using asterisks or spaces between words.
    • Comments that promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation.
    • Comments that contain sexual content or links to sexual content.
    • The same content posted multiple times. Any subsequent posting of identical information will be deleted. 
    • Comments that promote or oppose any specific person campaigning for election to a political office.
    • If a comment is not factual, we will correct the inaccuracy.
  • You take personal responsibility for your comments, your username, and any information provided.

Opinions expressed in public comments do not necessarily reflect official positions of LWVW. Any information posted here is considered public information and may be subject to monitoring, modification, or disclosure to third parties.