Washington, D.C. and Virtual
See map: Google Maps
Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 9:00am to Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 5:00pm
League of Women Voters members from all over the country will attend the biannual National Convention either in person in Washington, D.C., or virtually.
Network with fellow League members, participate in workshops and listen to speakers.
Delegates from all the Leagues will vote on our 2024-2026 Program, budget, Board of Directors and Nominating Committee and bylaws amendments. Check out the registration information to learn more.
Interested in being a delegate and representing the Wheaton League? We’ll pay your in person or virtual delegate registration fees.
Like to know more? Email or text Melissa Nachman (mfnachman [at] gmail.com 312 933-3147).
Registration Fees: In Person - $550. Virtual - $125. The Wheaton League will pay the registration fees for its two delegates. Note: Special Events (lobby day, Saturday night event), hotels, travel, meals, etc. are not included in the registration fee.