NOTE! CHANGE IN FORMAT! The League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn (LWVGE) is shifting the format of the scheduled candidate forum for the Democratic candidates for DuPage County Board District 4, between Lynn LaPlante and Christine Maes on Tuesday March 5th. The format of this event is changing from a candidate forum to a candidate 'meet and greet' due to a recent change in the availability of Christine Maes.
The League of Women Voters holds candidate forums to help educate the electorate and we are disappointed that we cannot provide this opportunity for voters to hear from both candidates. If a two-candidate Forum is planned, and one candidate withdraws, LWV rules dictate that we either cancel or change the format from a Forum to a Meet & Greet.
In place of the planned forum, Lynn LaPlante will make a brief statement, meet with voters and answer questions. The time and place will remain the same: Tuesday March 5th, from 7-8pm at the Glen Ellyn Historical Society. A printed program that features biographies for both candidates will be provided. The event will not be filmed. The LWVGE will also use this opportunity to inform attendees about upcoming events that may be of interest. We look forward to seeing you there.
More information including bios of the candidates.
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization and does not support or endorse candidates but does sponsor candidate forums as a service to the voters of the community.