Online Donation Form for LWV Wheaton

Online Donation Form for LWV Wheaton

The League of Women Voters of Wheaton relies on your support to keep our education and voter advocacy programs vibrant and growing. This page provides a way for non-members to donate and members to donate when they are not donating through the Join/Renew page.

There are two options for donating:

  •  You can support LWV Wheaton’s advocacy and lobbying on issues. A gift of this kind is not tax-deductible. Make checks payable to “League of Women Voters of Wheaton.”
  • You can donate to LWV Wheaton’s Education Fund  to support civic education and voter service.  A gift of this kind is tax-deductible. Make checks payable to “League of Women Voters Education Fund.”

Ready to make a gift?

  1. Complete the form below
  2. Select your payment method (mail in by check to the address below, or pay online via PayPal)

Donation Form

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