How Can You Help with the 2020 Census?
Become a 2020 Census Ambassador!
LWV South San Mateo County and LWV North Central San Mateo County are co-hosting a 2020 Census Ambassador Information Workshop. This workshop will offer insights on how to engage and educate your friends, family, faith-based members, work and volunteer colleagues, book club members....whomever you want to talk to.
The Census Ambassador Workshop is conducted by the San Mateo County Census Team and our training is open to members from both Leagues and any friends, family, or colleagues that you would like to invite.The training includes:
- Key aspects of Census 2020 (what, why, when, where, and how)
- Engaging people
- Integrating the census into voter registration and our other voter activities
- Addressing misinformation, privacy, security, questions, and concerns
- Directing community members for language, digital, and other support
The Workshop will provide you with the tools and outreach materials to go out and interact with your circle of friends and acquaintances and if you want, to reach out to the community-at-large. This Workshop is for everyday people who may have opportunities to talk to people they interact with on the importance of the census.