Get Involved in Elections at College | Stay Involved
Get Involved in Elections while at College
While you are at college, it is still important for your voice to be heard in your state and federal government! Be sure you are registered and VOTE on Election Day. To be able to vote on Election Day while you are at college, you first need to decide which of the following ways you want to vote:
Vote using your home address – which might be some state OTHER THAN Pennsylvania
Vote using your school address – in the state of PENNSYLVANIA
Vote Using Your Home Address
To be able to vote in your home district, you must first be:
ELIGIBLE to vote in your home state -- Don’t know if you are eligible to vote? Find out here!
REGISTERED in your home state, paying attention to state deadlines of as much as 30 days before the election -- Eligible but not registered to vote? Register using your home address and send it to your home county elections office. Find your home county elections office.
You can vote a ballot in your home district in ONE of these ways:
On Election Day, be home to vote IN PERSON in your home precinct.
Before Election Day, vote with an ABSENTEE ballot for your home precinct. Voting an absentee ballot requires that you:
Obtain an absentee ballot APPLICATION for your home district. Check whether your home state allows you to apply for an absentee ballot online or to download the absentee ballot application. You will need to complete the absentee ballot application, then sign, and mail it to your home county elections office.
Once your home county elections office receives your absentee ballot application, you will receive the absentee BALLOT. You will need to complete, sign, and mail this ballot back to your home county elections office by the deadline.
NOTE: To vote an absentee ballot for your home district, you must apply for an absentee ballot and return the ballot in accordance with the laws and deadlines set by your home state.
NOTE: When you vote in your home district, you do not need to update your voter registration information EACH TIME YOU MOVE within campus.
Vote Using Your School Address
To vote using your school address, you must be:
Eligible to vote in the state of PA. Don’t know if you are eligible to vote? Find out here!
Registered in the state of PA, at your school address, at least 15 days before Election Day. Eligible but not registered to vote? Here’s some information on how to register!
Registered in PA, but NOT at your school address? You can EITHER:
Vote in your home district. For more information, see “Vote Using Your Home Address” above.
Use the voter registration form to change your address. For information on how to get a voter registration form, click here.
NOTE: When you vote using you school address, you must update your voter registration information EACH TIME YOU MOVE within campus.
Registered in some state OTHER THAN PA? You must first CANCEL your existing out-of-state registration BEFORE you can register to vote in Pennsylvania:
- You will NOT be able to register to vote in PA if you are currently registered in some other state. BEFORE you register in PA, contact the Board of Elections in your current voting district to CANCEL your existing voter registration.
- You will still need to meet the requirements for voting eligibility in the state of Pennsylvania.
Stay Involved
Vote Every Year
Registering to vote is only the first step.
Important elections are held every year, including federal, state, and local offices. Your voice is important in determining policies that can have a huge impact on your life! Commit yourself to voting in EVERY election, including the primaries.
Stay Informed
Not sure who is running? Still confused about which offices are up for election?
Look for sources of information:
Find national news through TV or newspapers. If you are unable to access these sources, you can visit many major news outlets online.
Find local and state news in your local newspaper, online or in paper.
Go to to find your legislators, township and district, as well as the candidates and issues on your ballot.
For the Union County ballot, consult the LWVLA Voters Guide, usually available about 1 month before Election Day.
You might also consider joining an organization that works to support voting and inform voters such as the League of Women Voters. Learn about the local chapter: League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area (LWVLA). For information on how to join the League, click here OR click on the purple JOIN button in the top right of this window.
Encourage Others

Encourage your friends and family to:
- REGISTER and then show them how!
- When elections are near, remind them in person and on social media
- Help them get to the polls
Registering is one thing, but actually voting is another!