Get Involved: Volunteer in Our Communities

Get Involved: Volunteer in Our Communities

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Community Volunteer Opportunities:

Welcome! Our members make a difference in our communities. Check here to volunteer to register voters, to distribute voting information, to answer questions about voting, and to tell people about the League of Women Voters. We attend farmers markets, festivals, and local libraries and march in parades to defend democracy and empower voters. When you sign up to volunteer, you'll receive an email 2-3 days beforehand with additional event information. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Wed, Jan 22, GOTV: Registrar Training & Committee Meeting, 6:30 - 8 p.m.; Zoom  Are you interested in registering new voters and being part of our GOTV events at high schools, senior centers, and libraries? Already a Deputy Registrar? Then this training is for you. We'll walk through how to register voters, update registrations, sign up for Vote By Mail, and answer questions about the April 1 Consolidated Election. Sign up for whichever evening fits your schedule; training will be the same both evenings, or email mfnachman [at] for the Zoom link. 

Wed, Jan 15. Please sign up for this voter registration event at Alto Senior Living, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. (219 Parkway Dr, Wheaton) Registrars will answer residents' questions, update their voter registrations and submit Vote By Mail applications. Volunteers will receive additional information 3-5 days before the event. Questions? Contact Melissa Nachman @ 312-933-3147 or mfnachman [at]

Thurs, Jan 23. Sign up for Voter Registration at Winfield Public Library, 5 - 7 p.m. (0S291 Winfield Rd, Winfield) We'll register voters and answer questions about the April 1 Consolidated Election. We'll precede the Library's Historical Society Program on “Presidential Encounters” that begins at 7 p.m.

Sat, Jan 25. Sign up for Voter Registration at Carol Stream Public Library, 9:30 a.m. - Noon. (616 Hiawatha Dr, Carol Stream) We'll register voters and answer questions about the April 1 Consolidated Election. While we're there, the Library is hosting a Preschool Open House for parents to learn about area preschools.

Tues, Feb 3. Registrars and greeters are needed from 1:45pm – 3:30pm at Ahva Care of Winfield (28W 141 Liberty Street, Winfield). Following a presentation about the election, we’ll answer residents' questions, update their voter registrations, and submit Vote By Mail applications.

Thurs, Feb 6. Registrars are needed from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at Windsor Park, 124 Windsor Park Drive, Carol Stream. Registrars will answer residents' questions, update their voter registrations and submit Vote By Mail applications. Volunteers will receive additional information 3-5 days before the event. Questions? Contact Melissa Nachman @ 312-933-3147 or mfnachman [at]

Wed, Feb 26. Please sign up to volunteer at the Wheaton Library from 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. to share information about the League and the April 1 election. All members are welcome to volunteer; you do not need to be a registrar. And then, please stay for "The Story of Nellie Blythe," which the League and the Wheaton Library are co-sponsoring. Program is from 7 - 8 p.m., Meeting Room A, Wheaton Library, 225 N. Cross St., Wheaton.

Mon, March 3. Registrars and greeters needed for our GOTV and Voter Registration Event at West Chicago Community High School. Two shifts:  9am – Noon and Noon – 3pm. (326 Joliet St, West Chicago). We'll register voters and encourage students to VOTE in the April 1 Election. 

Tues, March 4.  Registrars and greeters needed for our GOTV and Voter Registration event at Wheaton North High School, 9:40am - 12:30pm. (701 W Thomas Road, Wheaton) We'll register voters and encourage students to VOTE in the April 1 Election.

Fri, March 7.  Registrars and greeters needed for our Voter Registration Event at Glenbard North High School, 10:45am – 1:30pm (990 Kuhn Rd, Carol Stream). We'll register voters and encourage students to VOTE in the April 1 Election.