Thursday, April 29, is the second of two public Candidates Nights prior to the 2021 Primary election. Night #2 includes a single panel of candidates for School Board members for Lewisburg Area School District and Milton Area School District (Region 3). Both school districts will be together on the same panel. General questions relevant to both districts will be asked of all candidates. Specific questions that apply to one district or the other may be asked of the candidates from that district.
Candidates Nights are virtual events offered as Zoom webinars. Registrations for either of the events are required and will be accepted up until the night of the event. Click here to register for either or both Candidates Nights. After your registration is received, you will get a confirmation message which includes a Zoom link for the event and instructions on how to submit your questions for the candidates. Reminder links will also be sent the day before the event.
All candidates for the contested Primary races have been invited to participate in Candidates Nights. Questions for candidates will come from the registered audience and the League. The League will use as many audience pre-submitted questions as time allows. Please remember the questions must be relevant to all the candidates for the office to which it is directed, they must be comprehensible, they must not be inflammatory, and they must not contain any gratuitous attacks on any other candidate.