Civic Awareness Series: Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region

Civic Awareness Series: Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region

Cantigny LWV Wheaton Civics Awareness Series


Illinois US
Thursday, April 14, 2022 - 7:00pm

 The League of Women Voters of Wheaton serving the communities of Warrenville, West Chicago, Winfield, Wheaton and Carol Stream and the Robert McCormick House at Cantigny Park invite you to a program on the Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region. presented by Edith Makra and Tim Milburn.  It will highlight the vital work of the Metropolitan Mayors’ Caucus and the importance of becoming EV Ready (Electric Vehicle Ready) as we transition away for fossil fuels. Edith Makra will present an overview of the Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region and Tim Milburn will focus on EV guidelines for cities and how they can implement actions to move our region to a sustainable future. 

We look forward to an informative evening with the opportunity to ask questions and learn how we can support our leaders in making sound sustainability decisions.

Edith Makra, Director of Environmental Initiatives, Metropolitan Mayors’ Caucus

Edith Makra directs sustainability initiatives for the Metropolitan Mayors’ Caucus, a coalition of 275 mayors in the greater Chicago region. She leads the Environment and Energy Committees to engage in important policy issues and fosters collaborations that advance clean energy, alternate fuels, and environmental stewardship. Edith developed the Greenest Region Compact, a consensus sustainability pledge.

Tim Milburn, Managing Partner at Green Ways 2Go

Tim Milburn is committed to providing business and technical advice and ideas and developing projects which advance the use of sustainable energy and environmental alternatives to conventional energy practices. Focus on vehicle electrification and alternative fuel infrastructure. Active as advisor to the Metropolitan Mayors’ Caucus in the development of “Becoming EV Ready”, a program to help local governments navigate the policies, technologies, incentives, installation best practices, codes and more for EV’s and EV Charging Infrastructure.

Are you a teacher? Illinois teachers can earn 1.5 PD credits for watching the presentation and filling out a short PD activity.

Step 1: Register for the webinar above.
Step 2: Register to be on the teacher list for the PD activity and ISBE forms.

The program is free, but registration is required. A link to register will be added soon.

You can submit your questions to blaimins [at]

This event will be a virtual event due to Covid-19 and social distancing guidelines.  During the presentation, please use the chat box located on the bottom of the Zoom screen.



Contact Information
blaimins [at]