Carpaccio Restaurant
1120 Crane Street
Menlo Park
See map: Google Maps
California US
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - 7:00pm
On Tuesday, January 30, at 7 PM, we will gather at Carpaccio Restaurant in Menlo Park for light refreshments while we discuss our League's annual Program Planning—the heart of our League work. This is your opportunity to decide what our League should study and take action on in 2024.
In Program Planning, we discuss:
- Action to implement League Principles
- Developing new positions or updating our existing positions with a study of concurrence on a governmental issue
- Action on issues
This is the essential work of the LWV that keeps us on track and moving forward. Please mark your calendar and pitch in for this important discussion. Your vote matters.
LWVSSMC 2024 Program Planning Meeting
7 PM Tuesday, January 30
Light refreshments
Carpaccio Restaurant
1120 Crane Street, CA Menlo Park