LWVNCC Primary Candidate Forums for County-Wide Offices August 2024

LWVNCC Primary Candidate Forums for County-Wide Offices August 2024


LWVNCC Primary Election Forums for County-Wide Offices

8/15/2024 NCC County Council President Primary Candidate Forum

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) will host a live candidate forum on Thursday August 15, 2024 at 6:30pm at the First Unitarian Church of Wilmington for the Democratic Primary Election Candidates for President of the New Castle County Council. 

Candidates participating:  George S. Frankel, Val Gould, Jason Hoover, Monique Johns.

Candidates absent:  Robert A. Williams.

Questions for the candidates may be submitted on-site or through August 11 using this form: Ask the Candidates for NCC Council President

This forum is free and are open to the public. Pre-registration is not required. If attending in person, please plan to arrive early to esure that seating is available. Doors open at 6pm and the forum will begin promptly at 6:30.

Additional forum details can be found in the website calendar event.

Forum video:

Minute markers for your convenience...
00:00 - LWVNCC President Dick Johnson, welcome.
02:50 - LWV's Martha Gessler, forum moderator.
05:40 - candidate Val Gould, opening remarks.
07:05 - candidate Monique Johns, opening remarks.
08:35 - candidate George S. Frankel, opening remarks.
09:45 - candidate Jason Hoover, opening remarks.
11:00 - moderated questions.
58:15 - candidate closing statements.
1:03:37 - end of video.

8/19/2024 New Castle County Executive Primary Candidate Forum

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) will host an online candidate forum on Monday August 19, 2024 at 7pm for the Democratic Primary Election Candidates for New Castle County Executive. 

Candidates participating:  Karen Hartley-Nagle and Marcus Henry.

Questions submittal form:  Ask the Candidates for NCC Executive

Additional forum details may be found in the website calendar event.

Forum video:
Minute markers for your convenience...

00:00 - LWVNCC President Dick Johnson, welcome.
02:05 - LWV's Sheila Smith, forum moderator.
03:25 - candidate Marcus Henry, opening remarks.
05:15 - candidate Karen Hartley-Nagle, opening remarks.
07:25 - moderated questions.
53:15 - closing statements.
57:43 - end of video.

Other 2024 Delaware Primary Candidate Forums

Below is a listing of additional candidate forums available to Delaware voters before the September 10, 2024, DE Primary Election.

US House of Representatives

Governor of Delaware

Lieutenant Governor

NCC County-Wide

  • Aug 15, 6:30pm - LWVNCC (for NCC Council President): (video above)
  • Aug 19, 7pm - LWVNCC (for County Executive): (video above)
  • Aug 22, noon - Rotary Club of Wilmington (for County Executive): facebook streaming page 

Mayor of Wilmington


League to which this content belongs: 