Video of Climate Simulation Interactive Event

Video of Climate Simulation Interactive Event


Monday, September 23, 2024 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

View Dr. Phil for an adventure in climate simulation!


PDF icon Slide Presentation (PDF)


En-Roads is a system developed by Climate Interactive and MIT. It runs in real time on a PC or laptop performing thousands of calculations per second. This presentation will be an interactive session looking at some of the features of the En-Roads Climate Model. Together we will explore some areas of policy that you choose to help improve the global climate. Dr. Phil Smith will demonstrate the effects and impacts of those actions.

For example... Will electric cars slow climate change? How about planting trees? Carbon fees?

Phil thinks that it is actually possible to slow and reduce the impact of climate change. This presentation will demonstrate that and will provide you with a hands-on tool that you can use to explore policies more deeply after the session.


hand holding world half blue green and half red brown