Delaware general election candidate information went live on on 9/24/2024. Enter your address on the VOTE411 homepage to see the races and candidates that will be on your ballot on November 5th and read candidate responses to LWV policy questions, in the candidates' own words.
If you see a candidate hasn't yet responded - especially one in a contested race - you can help by reaching out to them and encouraging them to fill out VOTE411.
VOTE411 is a "one-stop shop" website for election information in all 50 states, provided as a public service by the League of Women Voters. Here in Delaware, VOTE411 covers all levels of statewide elections... federal, state executive offices, General Assembly and county-level races, as well as the City of Wilmington (whose races appear on the general election ballot for those residing within city limits). LWV of Delaware also provides candidate information on VOTE411 for the school board elections in May each year.
Be an informed voter! Check your personalized ballot information on, and tell your friends and neighbors about this free, nonpartisan election information resource.