The League of Women of Women Voters of Lewisburg Area Forum series will continue on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, with a talk by Janet Tomcavage, Chief Nurse Executive for Geisinger, “What Does Value Based Healthcare Mean and Why Is It So Important?”
Janet Tomcavage has accountability for Geisinger’s Nursing Institute including strategic planning, nursing practice, professional development, research, education partnerships, risk adjustment, and well-being. This includes aligning nursing services across the care continuum and testing new nursing care models in both the inpatient and ambulatory space. In addition, Ms. Tomcavage leads care management, Geisinger at Home and the organization’s efforts focused on advancing illness.
The meeting is open to members and the general public. All are welcome.
An optional $15.50 buffet lunch will be served beginning at 11:30 am. Reservations are requested although not required so we can provide the restaurant with a more accurate count of the food needed for the in-person lunch. Kindly send an email about your intentions to attend and eat the buffet to LWVLAForum [at] gmail.com before January 15, 2024. The program will begin at noon.
The meeting will be recorded and promptly posted after the event on the League website: What You Missed | MyLO (lwv.org)
For more information, email LWVLAForum [at] gmail.com.