All Rhode Island Articles

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August 2019

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• Register to vote if you have yet to do so at Vote 411 or at R.I. Secretary of State.
• Get the latest updates on R.I.'s upcoming elections and learn more about voting-by-mail at R.I. Board of Elections and what the League is doing.
• Fill out the 2020 U.S. Census. We want to ensure that Rhode Island continues to receive the federal funding it deserves, and we keep two U.S. House Representatives.
• Support the League's People Powered Fair Maps campaign and ensure that R.I. puts the power of drawing districts in the hands of ordinary Rhode Islanders and not legislators. Sign a petition and show your support for proposed amendments to the R.I. Constitution to create an independent redistricting commission at Redraw RI.
• Read the House or Senate bills that would pave the way for an independent redistricting commission in Rhode Island.

Voting bumper sticker and pins
To disaffiliate after Voting by Mail in the Presidential Preference Primary:
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League of Women Voters South County Honors Susan B. Wilson Civic Education Merit Awards’ Winners 

League of Women Voters South County
P.O. Box 1636, Westerly, RI 0291-1636
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Meeting notices now include: Agendas, How to watch, Access to Documents, and How to submit testimony
