Past Events For South Carolina + Columbia Area

Register to Vote
Event Date: 
05/16/2022 - 5:00pm

Last day to mail in a paper voter registration form in order to vote in the June 14 primary.  The envelope must be postmarked by May 16.  More information on voter registration

Girl with vote411 sign
Event Date: 
05/15/2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Event location: 

West Columbia Riverwalk

Primaries will occur June 14, and mid-term elections will be November 8. Which races are in your district?  Who are the candidates?  Where do they stand on the issues?   Where should you go to vote?

Event Date: 
05/14/2022 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

On May 2nd, we learned from a leaked draft opinion that SCOTUS is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, stripping the constitutional right to abortion in spite of fifty years of precedent.

2022 LWVSC State Council, May 14, Columbia: Building a vibrant, engaged, and diverse volunteer organization
Event Date: 
05/14/2022 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Event location: 

Girl Scouts of South Carolina Mountains to Midlands (Cathy Novinger) Leadership Center

Missed the event or want to watch again? View the recording. 

Building a Vibrant, Engaged, and Diverse Organization
The 1619 Project, by Nikole Hannah-Jones
Event Date: 
04/21/2022 - 12:00pm

The 1619 Project, by Nikole Hannah-Jones, is the Pulitzer Prize-winning book examining the legacy of slavery in our country.  It has been the center of a great deal of controversy around the country, and

Event Date: 
04/18/2022 - 9:00am to 04/29/2022 - 4:00pm
Event location: 

Richland County Voter Registration and Elections

If you are interested in becoming a poll manager, please email election.worker [at] ()

Event Date: 
04/02/2022 - 1:00pm

LWVCA will participate in the rally in support of Ukraine at the Columbia Statehouse on April 2, 1pm.

Click here for more information and updates.

Push Back, Move Forward March 17
Event Date: 
03/17/2022 - 7:00pm
Event location: 


Join Dr. Laura Woliver in a lively conversation about her book: Push Back, Move Forward: The National Council of Women's Organizations and Women's Coalition Advocacy. Sponsored by LWV of the Columbia, SC Area

Civil Discourse Part 2
Event Date: 
02/10/2022 - 6:30pm

Much of today’s polarization is driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side. Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our fellow citizens who support the other political party, its leaders, and its policies. Sponsored by LWV of the Charleston Area.

Event Date: 
01/22/2022 - 9:00am to 12:30pm
Event location: 


LWVSC LEAD 2022 featuring  What about civics?

Read more for session recordings, presenters' slides, and chat resources. 


Past Events Co-Hosted By Columbia Area + South Carolina

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