Oconee and Pickens Counties Subscribed Articles

Oconee and Pickens Counties Subscribed Articles

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The Redistricting Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee met today to discuss the guidelines and criteria to be used by the Senate and the process for third parties (such as the League of Women Voters and other organizations) to submit maps. House statewide hearings are not receiving the attendance that the Senate hearings did.

The League of Women Voters will make its maps public on September 29 in a virtual Zoom-based event. This event is free and open to the public.

Multigenerational workplace video
Blog Post

Today we often have four generations working side by side. Challenge your thinking with this 3-minute video and more.

Check out the mini-films for exploring race, bias, and identity. Originally intended for use with students, they're thought-provoking for all ages. Bet you can't watch just one!

Nancy Williams
Press Mention

In her interview with The Bluffton Sun, LWVSC President Nancy Williams emphasizes the League of Women Voters' commitment to good government as a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to education and voter service.

One Woman, One Vote by Marjorie Spruill (cover)

One Woman, One Vote: Rediscovering the Woman Suffrage Movement, by Marjorie J. Spruill (LWVSC 2021 Convention keynote speaker) is now available for purchase. Read more about this thorough account of the suffrage movement that brings the story of women and the vote up through the 2020 election! Find out how you can order a copy.

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Redistricting SC 2021 continues in both houses. Initial Senate hearings have ended; third parties may submit maps by mid-September. The House has scheduled public hearings Sept. 8 - Oct. 4.

The ACLU of South Carolina is hiring a full-time, time-limited, attorney to assist organizations throughout South Carolina in their work towards a redistricting process that is as fair and transparent as possible.


LWVSC, ACLU Legal Defense Fund, NAACP, Appleseed Legal Justice Center, Progressive Network

The League of Women Voters of South Carolina joined other fair maps champions to remind SC Redistricting Subcommittees of their obligations to comply with the U.S. Constitution and Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The letters also urged transparency, public involvement, and fair representation in the redistricting process. 


LWVSC Redistricting News

From receipt of census data to proposed maps on the Governor's desk, read about the process, the timeline, and opportunities for your involvement.  

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Redistricting SC 2021 has begun in the SC Senate and SC House. Here's what we know for sure: don't blink! Participate in the process at every juncture.  Keep your eyes on the goal: fair maps for South Carolina.  

Let legislators know #WeAreWatching

Blog Post

Lynn Shuler Teague
Vice-President for Issues and Action
League of Women Voters of SC

May 1, 2021

LWVSC Redistricting Advisory Committee
Public Statement

Columbia, SC - As SC Senate public hearings on redistricting begin this week, with SC House hearings to follow, the League of Women Voters of South Carolina (LWVSC) urges voters to attend or submit comments, and insist th
