Further League Impact
- Increase civic and issue education
- Enhance voter services to reach a variety of audiences
- Enhance advocacy outcomes affecting public policy that consider the underrepresented populations
- Build stronger relationships with League allies and partners to include more diverse voices
- Nurture Members
- Support membership growth in new and renewing members, mentor new leadership, and build teams
- Remove barriers of all kinds so as to increase diversity of voices in LWVSA
- Support on-going training and exchange of varied ideas
Strengthen Organizational Capacity
- Develop necessary funding to achieve League goals
- Invest in technical support needed to support LWVSA
- Develop and implement short- and long-term communication plans
- Establish policies and procedures needed to assure organizational effectiveness and continuity
Adopted by LWVSA Board of Directors, Aug 5, 2020
A printable .pdf file of the Goals is available here.