FOLLOW-UP Shoreline Study Action & Results

FOLLOW-UP Shoreline Study Action & Results

Shoreline Management Act

 In In 2019 LWVWA convention members adopted a proposal for a new two-year Shoreline
Study on current shoreline conditions, projections,and issues. A statewide study and concensus process began.  The result is here in the form of new LWV Washington Positions urging well considered protection of our beaches and river banks. Shoreline Management


Amy Compestine, LWVSA Environmental Issues Standing Committee Chair

The League of Women Voters of Washington (LWVWA) has completed a study on the Washington State Shoreline Management Act (SMA) according to Shelley Kneip, LWVWA Shoreline Study Committee Chair. The SMA was one of the first environmental laws passed in the state and came about from a citizens’ initiative. The SMA applies to all areas of the state since it covers virtually all the state’s updated positions on shoreline management. All local Leagues will have the opportunity to review the study and submit a consensus form to the LWVWA board to help formulate an updated position statement.

The LWVSA Enviro Team is inviting each of you to participate in having input into the LWVSA Consensus Report to LWVWA. This is the true grassroots part of League process and it works best when everyone does some advanced preparation.

        1. Download and read the study here. It’s not as intimating as it may look at first glance!
        2. Review the discussion materials that include the consensus questions.
        3. Watch the LWVWA briefing on the study. The first 30 minutes gives you a great overview of the study. The next 40 minutes provides some process context as well as some great Q&A with study committee experts.