Affordable Housing and Homelessness Solutions

Affordable Housing and Homelessness Solutions

In 2024 LWV - Spokane Area Homelessness Solutions & the Affordable Housing Committee to: 
      •  Lobbyed our legislators to  pass bills that increase the supply of affordable housing
      •  Supported legislation to assist low income residents with energy bills 
      •  Worked with Homelessness Connect to register voters and distribute warm clothes
      • Studyed zoning and local housing ordinances and the Growth Management Act

AH&HS meetings are the 1st Sunday of the month, 5:30 to 6:30 on ZOOM. If you wish to attend, contact us at lwvsaahhs [at]

Selected Past Meetings 

 Homelessness Solutions - View our Dec. 13th 2023 LWV Spokane meeting on Youtube and informative handouts from the presentations. 

Our Feb 8th 2022 virtual meeting we made a deep dive into all the issues of affordable housing and homelessness. 

Spokane Regional Collaborative Meeting - The LWVSA Affordable Housing and Homelessness Committee attended the Spokane Regional Collaborative. 

Pictured Dan Simonson of Shelter Spokane with Becky Dickerhoof, committee member.


The Homelessness Solutions Committee has been busy acquainting themselves with community resources visiting Crosswalk (for teens) and Transitions (for women). Members  helped to initiate a community group called Spokane Housing for All.

Members tabled at Camp Hope to offer help to the occupants to register to vote, and it felt great to really make a difference!! 

Camp Hope Registration

League Asks for Action on Homelessness. 
 City should immediately provide shelter for homeless League members Dawn Shuster and Jennifer Calvert write the Guest Opinion in the Spokesman Review, January 11.2022.

Read the four actions and other suggestions from our League President, Ann Murphy.   Read our letter.  December 14, 2021. 

  If you are interested in participating in this committee or if you have any questions please

 use this contact form Homelessness solutions welcomes your interest.