Nonpartisan Policy

Nonpartisan Policy

 I.  Nonpartisanship (Revised and Adopted November 2022)

A. The League of Women Voters is nonpartisan in that it does not support or oppose any political party or candidate; it is political in that it takes positions on selected governmental issues.

While the League urges its members to be politically active, certain constraints are necessary to maintain the nonpartisanship of the organization. Therefore, the Board has established the following guidelines to protect the League's nonpartisan reputation:

B. In accordance with the national LWV's nonpartisanship policy, the LWVSA Executive Officers will not engage in partisan activities while serving as a LWVSA Executive Officer. Partisan activities include, but are not limited to:

• Holding political office.
• Donating reportable sums to a candidate.
• By word or deed, publicly endorsing a candidate for office/position.

C. All other members are encouraged to participate fully in the political process, serve on public boards and commissions, and participate in political activities as individuals without implying or receiving League endorsement. When acting in the public as League representatives, members must not allow partisanship to be discernible.

D. This policy is to be reviewed and endorsed or revised by the League of Women Voters of the Spokane Area ("LWVSA") Board of Directors ("Board") at the beginning of each League year and subsequently published in the VOTER.

Revised and Approved 11/16/22