Archived Action Alerts

All Spokane Area Action Alerts

Action Alerts

Action Alerts

Key legislation discussed with our Spokane area legislators or connect to

Action Alerts

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION on issues important  before the Washington State Legislature.  List updated weekly.


Action Alerts

The LWVSA board has endorsed the Spokane City Council amendment recommending Map 2 as to the best redistricting plan and will send a letter to the Council. You can provide comments and support for this decision.


Action Alerts

The Spokane League of Women Voters urges the Mayor and City Council to provide shelter and support for those experiencing homelessness before punishing them.   
  • Read the PDF icon letter     
  • Contact the Mayor and your City Council Representative to support our position.    (See contact info on page two of the PDF icon TRY)   money

Action Alerts

The Disclosure Act U.S. Senate Hearing is soon Use this link to contact your senators today!

ERA America

Action Alerts

Tell Your Representatives That You want Equality to be Part of the Constitution.

Nick Homeless Man

Action Alerts

There is still ice and snow and the occupancy of Spokane's temporary shelter in the convention center by 300 men, women and families proves the need. 
Be a voter logo

Action Alerts

READ MORE to see our checklist and to link to Voter Tools for more election information.

Community Map

Action Alerts

Comments regarding the creation of the five new Spokane County Commissioner Districts must be made BY OCTOBER 12th 
