Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing Meeting
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - 10:30pm


You are Invited to an
Affordable Housing Advocates
Panel Discussion and Q&A 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 10:30am

Co-Hosts:  Sherri Gangitano & Marilyn Darilek

Jim Frank, Greenstone
Chauncey Jones, A Better Way
Steve Corker, Spokane Landlord Association
Ben Stuckart, Spokane Low Income Housing Consortium 

Purpose:  To identify actions that can expedite availability of affordable housing through zoning changes, subsidized rents, rent-to-own, codified municipal tenant/landlord protections and a rental property owner registry to include single family dwellings.

Participants:  Affordable housing advocates and interested communities are invited to attend this panel discussion.  Although this came together on short notice, the opportunity to have these panelists available is not one to miss!  Those wanting to attend may contact me and I will send the zoom link invitation.

Marilyn Darilek