Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

League of Women Voters Spokane Area studied impediments to funding more low income housing in Spokane. The Spokane LWV is interested in legislation and funding initiatives that are likely to  bring down the cost of rents and increase low and middle income housing stock in Spokane.  

In December 2020, Spokane area residents from throughout the County joined affordable housing advocates Sherri Gangitano and Marilyn Darilek for a roundtable discussion.  Featured panelists were Chauncey Jones of A Better Way, Jim Frank of Greenstone, Steve Corker of Spokane Landlords Association, and Ben Stuckart of the Spokane Low Income Housing Consortium. 

View the the discussion

Past Action

Supported the passage of Housing Levy 1590.   

The Affordable Housing Committee is now combined with the Homelessness Solutions Committee