Regenerative Agriculture 101

Regenerative Agriculture 101

Regenerative Agriculture Meeting

We live in one of the most productive agricultural areas of the state — and the nation — and the purpose of this program is to introduce the concept and practice of regenerative agriculture. Regenerative agricultural techniques offer solutions to mitigate environmental issues such as soil degradation, erosion, drought and carbon sequestration.

Whether you live in a rural, suburban, or urban area, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about the value of our soil not only to provide our food, but also to drawdown carbon already in the atmosphere and sequester it permanently. This program also explains the role home and garden composting can play in addressing these same environmental problems.

Linked below are the video, notes and resources presented at the LWV Spokane Area Meeting, April 12, 2022. 


Regenerative Agriculture Meeting View the Presentation PowerPoint

Get free compost until June 30, 2022:
Learn more about Water Wise Spokane and rebates available:
Take the challenge for Sustainable Spokane


PDF icon Films, Books, and Local Resources for Regenerative Agriculture 


LWV Spokane Area  Environmental Issues Committee