Wrap Act -Washington Recycling and Packaging

Wrap Act -Washington Recycling and Packaging


Rep. Berry and Sen. Rolfes have introduced the Washington Recycling And Packaging (WRAP) Act- to address the growing amount of packaging and fix Washington's inefficient recycling systems. Bill pages: HB 1131/ SB 5154  

The #WRAPAct will:

✔️establish a single statewide list of what can & cannot be put in a recycling bin
✔️ improve transparency on what actually gets recycled
✔️ prevent valuable materials from ending up in the landfill
Pass the WRAP Act to improve recycling in Washington! #WAleg

Promote support for the WRAP Act and “pro” sign-ins on social media.

Social Media Toolkit has suggestions

More about the science of plastic and why state legislation is important NOW.