All Diablo Valley Articles

Fair maps

California state Senators are elected every four years. The terms are staggered: those from even-numbered districts elected in one statewide General Election, and those from odd-numbered districts two years later. This creates a problem when district lines are redrawn every ten years.

Blog Post

As we look forward to the new year and new beginnings, the LWV Diablo Valley will be reinvigorating its efforts to prepare voters for the upcoming mid-term elections - the CA Statewide Direct Primary Election on June 7, 2022 and the General Election on November 8, 2022.

Health care image

The New York State League (LWVNYS) is asking local Leagues to support putting a Concurrence with the LWVNYS positions on Healthcare and Financing Healthcare (December 2021) on the 2022 LWVUS convention agenda so that it can be discussed and voted on. This action does not imply that local Leagues need to support the concurrence, simply that a discussion and vote is desired at the convention.

Image of a stethoscope

A group of LWV Diablo Valley members interested in Health Care issues meet regularly to share questions and information. We invite you to join us. Click through to see what we are following and doing. (2021 and earlier)

generic city council chamber

This is the compilation of the reports from members observing the Board of Supervisors, in reverse chronological order.

Icon depicting a city or government building

In December 2020 the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) adopted a methodology to distribute the Bay Area regional housing need of 441,176 units, as established by HCD. On May 25, 2021 ABAG released its draft RHNA plan distributing the regional housing needs among communities in the Bay Area.

Voting Rights Activists Arrested at White House

Hundreds of voting rights activists escalated demands for the White House to act on voting rights today, in an action that resulted in the arrests of some 200 participants, including three LWV national board members and 10 other League members.

Yard signs, Your Vote Matters and Get the Facts Before You Vote

by Shawn Gilbert (LWVDV Vice-President and School Voter Engagement Chair) and Martha Goralka (LWVDV Voter Services)

Gwen Watson
Member's Spotlight

LWVDV congratulates Gwen Watson for being recogized for her work as co-founder of The Winter Nights program for unhoused families. Gwen was recenty recognized when the program won an award and donation for its continued community work. 

Blog Post

This year, in response to the challenges of Covid-19, our League gave special attention to social safety net issues, like the allocation of Measure X funds, while maintaining and strengthening our community educational work and voter services programs. The Board also updated and streamlined our business practices.
