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Letter to the Newington Town Council on January 25, 2022, in response to a proposal to close 5 of 8 polling places in the town of Newington, submitted by Patricia Rossi, Vice President for Advocacy and Public Issues for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut.

MLK Day of Action Deliver for Voting Rights Event Image
Press Mention

As we begin 2022, still in the midst of a global pandemic, marking the one-year anniversary of the literal physical attack on our Congress and United States Capitol, it is important to remember that change is inevitable, and hope, ever present. Even though the majority of Americans believe that voting rights should be protected, there are two important bills currently stalled in the Senate, the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. You can help us call on Congress and President Biden to Deliver for Voting Rights – and see the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Action.

Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of Connecticut strives every day to empower voters and defend democracy. We are proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties, and always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public. Our 2022 Legislative Priorities include Protecting and Expanding Voters’ Rights and Access through Early Voting and No-Excuse Absentee Ballots, Campaign Finance Reform and protecting the Citizen's Election Program, Open Government, and Environment & Climate Action.

CT Capitol Building
Press Mention

Joan Twiggs, director at large for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, said redistricting in the state has been done mostly behind closed doors, after hosting four public hearings in September. She contended decision-makers could set standards to increase public engagement and share draft map proposals to boost community participation.

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Redistricting in Connecticut is now two thirds of the way complete. The Reapportionment Commission, convened in accordance with the state Constitution, met prior to the November 30 deadline to accept the state House and Senate maps. The U.S. Congressional maps were not completed and are now expected to be completed under the aegis of the Connecticut Supreme Court. Read the full update.

Blog Post

The Reapportionment Commission announced that agreement had been reached on the state House and Senate districts. You can examine the new districts on the Commission's webpage.

Nonpartisan blog post image with definition
Blog Post

Words matter. Our organization’s original non-partisan stance was a way to ensure that all women would feel included and inclined to vote. Since then, it has been a hallmark of our work and the cornerstone of our reputation. But a combination of factors has led to a hyper-partisan political climate where the focus is more on “winning” than informing voters on the issues. While these factors make our job more difficult, it is imperative that we stay above the fray of partisan politics.

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The responsibility for creating district maps at the federal and state levels has now moved to the Redistricting Commission. The Commission is a nine-member body charged with creating and adopting a final redistricting plan. The Commission must adopt a plan by November 30. Read more.

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Blog Post

Join the League of Women Voters of Fairfield for the 2021-2022 Spotlight on Redistricting series, a new, free, five-part series about the census, redistricting, and politics of voting. Image
Press Mention

Michael Dinan of 0684-Radi0 interviews Liz Donovan, about the League of Women Voters' efforts to educate electors during the 2021 election season through
