All Connecticut Articles

Future Leaders in Politics Q & A with Laura Smits and Chris Prue

Laura Smits, LWVCT President, and Chris Prue, President of the Registrar of Voters Association as they join Future Leaders in Politics (FLIP) about all things Voting Rights in Connecticut. Watch the recording if you missed the event.

People Powered Fair Maps Logo Light
Blog Post

District lines determine who is on your ballot, where you go to vote, and the can influence whether your voice is heard (or not). Read more in Part 3 of a 5 Part Summer Series by Joan Twiggs, Director at Large for LWVCT. Each blog will include one or more actions you can take to get involved.

People Powered Fair Maps Logo Light
Blog Post

In Connecticut, the elected Legislature has been designated as the entity responsible for redistricting. Read Part 2 of a 5 Part Summer Series by Joan Twiggs, Director at Large LWVCT. Each blog will include one or more actions you can take to get involved.

People Powered Fair Maps Logo Light
Blog Post

Redistricting is now upon us! Read Part 1 of a 5 Part Summer Series by Joan Twiggs, Director at Large LWVCT. Each blog will include one or more actions you can take to get involved.

LWVCT Banner "Celebrating the Last Century, Building toward the next"
Blog Post

Read Laura Smits' letter to our members and the public.

CT Women's suffrage

The League of Women Voters of Connecticut Education Fund is pleased to announce the selection of two Fellows for the 2021 Connecticut Women’s Suffrage Research Fellowship. The 2021 Fellows are Kathryn Angelica and Brittney Yancy. For more information about the Fellowship, please contact the League of Women Voters Education Fund at lwvct [at]

Advocacy Appeal 2021 LWVCT Website Banner
Blog Post

This was an unusual Legislative Session. We owe a BIG THANK YOU to all the legislators and League members for their strong support of our work to Empower Voters and Defend Democracy. We will continue the work to make Early Voting and No Excuse Absentee Voting realities for all Connecticut voters, election officials, and poll workers. Read on to find out what happened during the General and Special Session.

Early Voting and No Excuse Absentee Voting Banner
Press Mention

It’s time to set the record straight: Voting in Connecticut is overwhelmingly safe and secure; it is administered by election professionals from both major parties. Connecticut voters turned out in record numbers for the November 2020 election, in part thanks to an executive order issued by the governor and affirmed by the legislature permitting any voter to vote by absentee ballot. But because of our state’s restrictive absentee ballot laws, this was only allowed under these special circumstances.

Image of 2021 LWVCT Capitol Plaque in honor of the CT Women of Color who fought for suffrage

Hearst Media: The historic 1878 State Capitol building, with its dozens of statues and displays of historic artifacts, will soon become more-inclusive, when a plaque honoring 29 Black women suffragists of the early 20th century is cast and installed in what advocates hope to be a public celebration.
The two-by-three-foot bronze plaque is being made for the Connecticut League of Women Voters, who got the go-ahead from the little-known Capitol Preservation and Restoration Commission to provide some equity and expand on an honor roll of white suffragettes that was installed on a wall inside the Capitol’s south entrance in 1934.

Historical Photo of Activists with banner saying Connecticut Votes For Women
Research & Studies

The deadline has passed! We will offer another grant next year. In honor of the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, the LWVCT Education Fund has created the Connecticut Women's Suffrage Research Project. The purpose of this project is to expand on current historical information to gain a fuller understanding of all the women who fought for the right to vote in Connecticut.
