All Connecticut Articles

Press Mention

It wasn’t that long ago, that during election season, candidates eagerly awaited being invited to a League of Women Voters of Connecticut debate. This is the first time we have encountered so much opposition by the parties, and (some) candidates to participate in our debates or control how we run them. Something has changed, but it is not the League. The League will continue to educate voters by using all of our voter education tools: printed materials, online and social media platforms as well as debates to bring voters non-partisan information about the candidates and the issues. Our League mission to empower voters and defend democracy continues…

Connecticut Ballot Drop Boxes 2 angles
Blog Post

Since each state administers their absentee ballots differently, here is a step-by-step explanation of Connecticut’s process from application to the actual ballot. Unlike other states, Connecticut requires voters to fill out an application before a voter can receive an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots become available starting one month before the general election on November 8, 2022.

2022 CT Debate Series Logo
Blog Post

In recent election cycles, we have noticed an alarming trend among candidates from both parties—a reluctance by some to participate in debates. This is unfortunate. Debates are an important part of the elections process. Our democracy depends on a mutual relationship of respect between candidates and the voters who elect them.

Laura Smits Interview with FOX61 News
Press Mention

LWVCT President Laura Smits talks with Julia LeBlanc of FOX61 News about getting ready to vote in Connecticut's party primary elections on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. For more information and to register to vote visit or go to the Secretary of the State's voter information page.

LWVCT and CT Public NPR Logo
Press Mention

Connecticut Public and the League of Women Voters of Connecticut (LWVCT) have set the dates, locations and moderators for an unprecedented series of eight debates that they will co-produce in advance of the November general elections, including the statewide offices of governor, U.S. Senate, secretary of the state, and Connecticut’s five U.S. Congressional districts.

Photo of a VOTE 411 T-shirt with a National Voter Registration Day sticker
Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of Connecticut (LWVCT) has kicked off the Fall 2022 Election season by inviting top of ticket Primary candidates to participate in its state-wide online nonpartisan Voters Guide at

People Powered Fair Maps Logo Light
Blog Post

Now that Redistricting in Connecticut is over, do you know which district(s) you are in? Do you know how many and which districts are within your town’s borders? Have other people asked you how to find out what their districts are? Read the full update and view the maps to see if anything has changed for you.

Nelson Mandela Quote on Freedom
Blog Post

Our country’s explicitly stated values of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and breaking the chains of tyranny was a historic first. Our country has strived to live up to its promise and create what Abraham Lincoln called a “more perfect union”, but for many of us, the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade feels like that progress has been stopped dead in its tracks. We need to continue demanding a seat at the table for everyone, using every tool available to us, including our vote.

2022 LWVCT Advocacy Appeal Website Banner
Blog Post

During the Short Legislative Session we celebrated the passage of laws to expand access to absentee ballots and address the climate emergency, while recognizing the failure of the legislature to pass other key bills to protect voting rights, protect state referenda from the influence of foreign money, and ensure transparency and access to the workings of government. Read on to find out what happened during the Short Session.

Early Voting Signs
Blog Post

Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting? That’s the question that will be on Connecticut’s ballot on November 8, 2022.
Did you know that Connecticut is one of only 6 states with only one day of in-person voting? The busy citizens of Connecticut deserve more time to vote in-person, not just the 14 hours on Election Day.
