All Connecticut Articles

Early Voting for Connecticut Banner
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It is time for our state to provide more opportunities for eligible voters to cast their ballot in person―and not just on Election Day. This November 8, Connecticut voters will get a chance to vote for that change. Voters will see this question on their ballot: Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting?

Image of Deborah Turner Speaking in front of the Supreme Court September 2021
Blog Post

On January 27, 2022, the House of Representatives announced the introduction of House Resolution 891, a new resolution affirming the validity of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. As of this week, 4 of our 5 Representatives to the US House are cosponsors of the legislation.

LWVCT and CT Public NPR Logo
Press Mention

Connecticut Public and the League of Women Voters of Connecticut (LWVCT) will co-produce an unprecedented series of eight debates in advance of the November 2022 elections, including debates for the statewide offices of Governor and Secretary of the State, as well as U.S. Senate and Connecticut’s five U.S. Congressional districts.

Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy Banner
Blog Post

With only a little over a month left in the session, the Connecticut General Assembly approves expanded access to absentee ballots for all future elections. This Spring, the League is supporting bills that protect and expand voting rights, government transparency and access, and address the climate crisis. Read the full update.

Press Mention

Joan Twiggs, director at large for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, joins Public News Service to discuss the next stage of the once-a-decade redistricting process - the creation of voting districts. Also known as electoral districts or wards, voting districts are the hyperlocal areas determining polling place locations on Election Day.

banner with text Empowering voters and defending democracy since 1921
Blog Post

This year, the League’s top priorities are to educate and help voters understand the importance of voting “yes” on the Early Voting ballot question and to help sort fact from fiction so that voters can better understand how our Connecticut elections are performed with the highest level of integrity.

Press Mention

Patricia Rossi weighs in on the redistricting process during NBC Connecticut's Face the Facts' November 29th airing.

Press Mention

Connecticut and New York have approved their new voting district maps. For the next 10 years these district lines will shape how political power plays out in both states. Joan Twiggs, Director at Large and People Powered Fair Maps Champion for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, spoke to WSHU for the Full Story program about Connecticut's new voting district maps, published on February 18, 2022.

Voting is our love language Valentine's Day Post League of Women Voters
Blog Post

For over 100 years, the League has been working to attain and secure voting rights for disenfranchised American citizens. In a progressive state like Connecticut, many voters were unaware that we do not allow for any in-person Early Voting, convenience that our neighbor states already enjoy. This November, Connecticut voters will have a chance to change that by voting YES on the ballot question: Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting?

LWVCT Logo Small
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Letter to the Newington Town Council on January 25, 2022, in response to a proposal to close 5 of 8 polling places in the town of Newington, submitted by Patricia Rossi, Vice President for Advocacy and Public Issues for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut.
