Delaware Subscribed Articles

Delaware Subscribed Articles

Windmill blades with moon in background

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 - 7:00pm by Zoom

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

Read LWVNCC President Richard Johnson's message of the month here.

League of Women Voters of Sussex County, DE
Press Mention

An article on dated 3/5/22 mentions Jack Young and the League of Women Voters regarding the proposed map in the redistricting ordinance. Click on Read More for the link to the article.

League of Women Voters of Sussex County, DE

Jack Young, LWVSC member and Fair Maps Coalition Co-chair for the LWVDE, addressed the Sussex County Council on 3/1/22 regarding the League's support for the proposed redistricting ordinance. The County Council's map was similar to the one proposed by the League. The County Council voted unanimously to pass the ordinance.

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

Read LWVNCC President Richard Johnson's message of the month here.

Delaware Voting Rights Coalition

Great video from the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition on expanding voting rights in our state.

Your Voice Matters forum

The LWVDE is presenting a forum via Zoom on how to be an effective citizen advocate on 2/4/22 from 10am until noon. Join the discussion!

Your Voice Matters forum

The LWVDE is presenting a forum via Zoom on how to be an effective citizen advocate on 2/4/22 from 10am until noon. Join the discussion!

League of Women Voters of Sussex County, DE
Public Statement

In response to the Delaware Department of Justice lawsuit against Seaford's controversial "fetal remains" ordinance Council, the League of Women Voters of Sussex County has released a statement to the press supporting the action.

Welcome to Sussex County
Press Mention

LWVSC member and co-chair of the LWVDE Fair Maps Coalition is quoted in a 1/5/22 article appearing in Bay to Bay News regarding the need for revamped voting cycles due to redistricting of Sussex County Council.
