Legislative Priorities

Legislative Priorities

Florida Legislature

The effects of re-districting continue to present complex issues in this - and future - election cycles. Ongoing monitoring at the state level invites chapters like the LWVVC to share how redistricting may affect local constituencies going forward. Review the basics today >> 

At the beginning of each Florida legislative session, the LWVVC legislative team makes plans to contact our local delegation to promote the League’s priorities and discuss each legislator’s perspective on the upcoming session. 

Each year, local leagues submit legislative recommendations to the state League board which reviews and tabulates all local recommendations and determines those priority areas that reflect a statewide consensus. All regional legislative priorities are in alignment with LWVFL program positions which have been researched and adopted through the study and action process.

Throughout the legislative session, the League of Women Voters closely monitors proposed legislation related to our priorities and alerts League members throughout the state about bills that are making their way through the legislative process. League members are encouraged to make their voices heard by contacting their local representatives and senators to express their support or concerns about pending legislation.

Florida House of Representatives & Senate | BallotPedia Public Policy | LegiScan