NEW IN 2025 = For several years, the National League of Women Voters (LWVUS), has been planning to change how dues are collected and how local leagues receive their share of dues. The purpose of this change is to standardize the registration process for all League members across the United States, and to make the process more efficient and accurate. Download a PDF that details the 2025 changes here >>
The League of Women Voters of Volusia County (LWVVC) is a non-partisan, service-oriented organization dedicated to educating citizens on important issues affecting our community, preparing voters to cast an informed ballot, and advocating for adopted policy positions. By joining, you automatically become a member of the local, state, and national League of Women Voters. Our membership is open to any person 16 years of age or older.
Find your niche in the League
The work of the League is accomplished by dedicated, committed members who work in unison to accomplish our mission. Working through action teams and by participating in our organized programs, members develop strong interpersonal relationships, deepen their knowledge on a variety of issues and have many opportunities to make a difference in their community.
Our members stay informed on the issues through educational programs such as:
- Hot Topics and general meetings at which leading experts examine all sides of important issues facing our community, state, and nation
- Candidate Forums
- League Sponsored Workshops
Our coordinated advocacy efforts include:
- Meeting with our local legislators
- Writing op-eds and letters to the editor
- Working through the League to support endorsed League positions
As a member, you will be invited to:
- Consider joining any of our Action or Community Outreach Teams
- Mingle and learn at our social mixers and meetings
We hope you will join the League of Women Voters of Volusia County and become part of a 100 year old organization dedicated to improving our community and making democracy work!
Formerly, the membership year was July 1 - June 30, 2024.
In 2025, memberships will be active date-to-date (one year from initial signup) before renewing.
Have questions please contact our chair [at] (membership chair).