Action Teams support immediate and pressing issues of local importance, through coordinated volunteer group effort, special programs and hot topic discussions in the subject areas listed below. Want to learn more? Use the drop-down selections on the Contact Form to reach out to a team chair or President for follow-up.
Education | Action Team Chair: Pat Drago
The League of Women Voters of Volusia County supports a free public-school system for Volusia County with high standards for student achievement and with quality of educational opportunity for all that is financed adequately by the state through an equitable funding formula.
Growth Management | Action Team Chair: Saralee Morrissey
The League of Women Voters of Volusia County is concerned about the negative consequences of rapid growth throughout the region. Our positions address the goals and processes of our county charter, meaningful comprehensive planning, applicable and appropriate land development regulations, and require coordination amongst all the governments in Volusia County.
Natural Resources | Action Team Chair: Nancy Vaughn
The League of Women Voters of Volusia County supports efforts to conserve and protect our water supply as an essential part of ecosystem management through storm water management, expanded reclaimed water use, and community outreach education.
Social Justice and Diversity | Action Team Chair: Debbie Parker
The Social Action and Diversity Team is working to build positive relationships with diverse community groups and organizations. The teams' goals are to educate our members and our community about the historic injustices that have existed in our society and to engage in activities that promote racial harmony and justice for all.
Women's Rights | Action Team Chair: Alicia Keenon
The LWVVC supports the pursuit and implementation of women’s rights that foster equality. The Women’s Rights Action Team seeks to educate and inform the community of ongoing efforts to support women’s rights in all areas of society and focus on current equality issues affected by county, state, and federal government.