LWVVC Annual Meeting

LWVVC Annual Meeting

2022 new leadership

Our 2022 annual meeting luncheon was held on May 14th at the LPGA Ballroom. This was our first in-person annual meeting since 2019 and members expressed excitement at being back together. During the business meeting, members approved the 2022-23 operating budget and a slate of leaders that included Cathy Egley, 2nd Vice President; Nicki Junkins, Secretary; Ken Fischer, Treasurer; Olga Hernandez and Nancy Nusbaum, Directors; Monique Fischer, Nominating Committee Chair; Ann Harrell and Pat Cosby, Noiminating Committee Members. Ann Smith, chair of the Politicos fundraising committee, recognized member Suze Peace for her outstanding work in producing Ladies Taking Liberty and her generous donation of the play's proceeds to our voter service efforts. Following the business meeting, guest speaker, Mark Lane, provided a thoughful, insightful and entertaining presentation on the 2022 legislative session.

League to which this content belongs: 
Volusia County