Hawai'i County
Hawai'i County
The League of Women Voters works at local, state and national levels to educate policy makers and the public on pressing issues, and takes concerted action to achieve positive change in our communities.
The League of Women Voters of Hawai'i County has been a part of the Big Island community since the 1960s. Members of the Hawai'i Island League work on local, state and national issues that they are passionate about, such as protecting voter rights and transparency and ethics in government. Learn more about our programs, read our guide to misinformation and dis-information, and watch how to register to vote online or Hawai`i Elections Explained, two of the many helpful videos on our state Office of Elections YouTube channel.
For more information about the Big Island League, contact us at (808) 933-VOTE (messages only) or by email at lwvhawaiicty [at] gmail.com, read our current newsletter here, view presentations by speakers here, and see past events here. Or sign up for our quarterly newsletter or our events newsletter here.
General Meetings - Public are welcome!
- January 25 at 10 a.m. (Sat.) - in Waimea and hybrid, at Tutu's House
Speaker: James Hustace, newly elected County Councilmember of District 9 - April 12 at 10 a.m. (Sat.) - in Hilo and hybrid, Annual Meeting