Living Room Conversation: After the Election - 7:00 pm

Living Room Conversation: After the Election - 7:00 pm

Living Room Conversations Logo
Monday, November 23, 2020 - 7:00pm to Tuesday, November 24, 2020 - 6:45pm


via Zoom
Join us as we sort through the election results and determine how to move forward together. Where can we find common ground? How can we have meaningful discussions about significant issues while demonstrating respect and compassion? 

This program is provided in the Zoom Meeting format so that you may better engage and interact with the presenter and other participants. If you feel comfortable doing so, please turn your microphone and/or camera on.

 This event is paired with a Civic Awareness Program. e recommend you watch the video for this program before attending the Living Room Conversation..

Provided in partnership with the Wheaton Public Library. Please enter your e-mail address for instructions and connection details. Registration ends 15 minutes prior to the program start time.

Issues referenced by this event: