Glenbard North High School
990 Kuhn Rd
Carol Stream
See map: Google Maps
Illinois US
Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
Come to a Meet and Greet for all Carol Stream Candidates. This is a chance to get to know your candidates before you vote in the April 4th Consolidated Election. This event is being sponsored by the Civics Club of Glenbard North.
The Civics Club works to bring civic awareness and education to the Glenbard North Community. As a group of active students, we educate GBN students about their rights and responsibilities in our democracy and help prepare them to become informed voters. We work with community organizations to host voter registration drives and mock elections. We also host evening debate and election results parties. Finally, we work to bring our elected officials to North to engage with students.
Issues referenced by this event: