

Communications Chairs - Karlen Reed and Claudia Weber Co-Chairs   communications [at]

The Communications Committee oversees the League’s communication activities ranging from publicity for major League Events to the Monday Member News (MMN), to the League website and Facebook presence.  We seek to ensure that League members are informed in a timely fashion of all upcoming League activities and that League events are publicized widely throughout the Concord/Carlisle community and beyond.

The Communications Committee’s goal is to ensure that League members get timely information about League activities and community events that are of particular interest to League members. In addition, we reach out to Concord and Carlisle residents to inform them of the work of the League and to encourage them to attend the many meetings and events which the League sponsors throughout the year.

At the Annual Meeting we surveyed the attendees and found that members are eager to see improvements to the website. Upgrading our website had been a major focus of our work this summer and fall. The work of the Communications Committee is critical to the success of our League. With an election in November, election information will be a major focus of our work.

Our webmaster Cynthia Rainey maintains the League's Website and prepares the weekly Monday Member News, which League members rely on for current news about the League. 

If you would be interested in helping us develop our social media or just working on more old fashioned kinds of communication, please contact communications [at]