Women Power the Vote: Defining the Next 100 Years Discussion

Women Power the Vote: Defining the Next 100 Years Discussion

Women Power the Vote: Defining the Next 100 Years Discussion Series


Online via LWVUS Facebook - No Registration Required
Monday, August 17, 2020 - 12:00pm to Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - 11:45am

Facebook Live

As we approach the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment next month, LWVUS is  launching Women Power the Vote: Defining the Next 100 Years, a discussion series to explore the work we need to do over the next 100 years to ensure fair elections with participation by all, particularly those who have been disenfranchised in the past.  

LWVUS will kick off a series on August 12th with a conversation between Chief Executive Officer Virginia Kase and Board President Dr. Deborah Ann Turner.  We will be discussing what lies ahead for democracy in America, and how all women can be active participants. 

It is important for us to explore the ways in which we can ensure that all voices are heard as we move forward. The voices of many Americans—particularly women of color—are still not heard in choosing their representation. As our nation’s demographics change, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the electoral process have never been more important to ensure fair representation.