The League of Women Voters Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids hosts guest speakers on local issues. Our "Spotlight on Issues" is recorded and aired on local cable television.
Anti-Racism | Book Talk | Census | Children | Civil Rights | Elections |
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Andover High School Different Races Organizing Peace (DROP) Club
- Guest speakers: Lyhnsay Yang and Marieclaire Mutamba, students at Andover High School and members of the Andover High School Different Races Organizing Peace (DROP) Club. DROP is a club founded to ensure that activism on racial equity does not end when it stops trending. Their mission is to educate themselves and others on racial equity. They want their push for change to be constant, not reactionary, and want to inspire as many like-minded young people as they can to advocate for peace and justice.
- 31 minutes. May 9, 2022. Produceed by QCTV
- Find out more:
- Listen to the Different Races Organizing Peace (DROP) episode on the VoiceAmerica Podcast
- Read the Star Tribune article Students take the lead as Minnesota schools work to confront racism on campus.
The History and Legacy of the Indian Boarding Schools at the University of Minnesota Morris
- UMN Morris Acting Chancellor Janet Schrunk Ericksen discusses the background of the Indian Boarding Schools that operated at the current UMN Morris site and the challenges with learning more about them, including locating unmarked burials. UMN Morris alumni Jennifer Simon (Cheyenne River Lakota), member of the UMN Morris American Indian Advisory Committee and Director of Indian Education for Minneapolis Public Schools, discusses the impact and trauma of Indian Boarding Schools on our youth today.
- 66 minutes. January 10, 2022. Produced by QCTV.
Transformative Circle - Reaching Across Race, Culture and Class
- Lori Anderson, founder of Transformative Circle, and Nyakade Tot share how this grass-roots organization in Coon Rapids is working towards building a strong, diverse community.
- 48 minutes. October 14, 2019. Produced by QCTV.
Book Talk
Book Talk with Dave Durenburger and Lori Sturdevant
- Lori Studevant and former Senator David Durenberger discuss their book "When Republicans were Progressive". A Star Tribune book review commented that the book "...is a fascinating combination of Durenberger's firsthand account regarding three terms in the U.S. Senate, hundreds of anecdotes...a patform for positive change and a skimp yet alluring look into his personal life." Lori Sturdevant is a retired Star Tribune editorial writer and author of several books of Minnesota history.
- 59 minutes. June 14, 2021. Produced by QCTV.
Census 2020
2020 Census Forum
- Panelists Andrew Verdin, Director of Census Operations at the Minnesota State Demographer's Office; Kathy Tingelstad, former Minnesota State Legislator; Matt Brown, Coon Rapids Economic Development Coordinator; and Amir Malik, Civil Rights Attorney discuss the 2020 Census.
- 63 minutes; September 9, 2019; produced by CTN, Coon Rapids, MN
Impact of Distance Learning During a Pandemic
- Our panelists discuss the impact of distance learning and the pandemic on student mental health and academic progress, as well as the opportunities and challenges of distance learning. Our panelists: Aaron Balzer, a school psychologist from Anoka Hennepin School District. Amanda Friedrich, the parent of two children with disabilities. Andrea Whitcomb, a teacher. Sebastian Whitcomb, a high school student.
- 103 minutes; taped January 11, 2021; produced by QCTV
Accepting and Supporting Transgender Issues
- Pam Riddle, the mother of a transgender youth, shares what she does to be an ally for her daughter and to advocate for her effectively.
- 25 minutes; June10, 2019; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
- Safe Passage for Minnesota Children
- Guest speaker is Executive Director Rich Gehrman at Safe Passage for Minnesota Children, an organization devoted to improving the Minnesota child welfare system.
- 43 minutes; May 22, 2015; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
- School Counselor Legislation
- State Senator Alice Johnson, State Representative Jerry Newton, Director of Mental Health for Anoka Hennepin School District 11 Nita Kumar, Minnesota School Counselor Association President Jim Bierma, and NAML Executive Director Sue Abderholden discuss the shortage of school counselors in Minnesota.
- 60 minutes; January 27, 2015; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Civil Rights
What is the ERA and Why Do We Need It?
- Guest Speaker Suzann Willhite, President of ERA Minnesota (ERAMN). The non-profit ERAMN has two goal: add an Equal Rights Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution through a ballot measure and to enact the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
- Taped March 13, 2023. Produced by QCTV.
Elections and Voting
Fair and Accurate Elections
- Tom Hunt, Anoka County Elections Director discusses how elections officials ensure fair and accurate elections.
- Taped October 14, 2024. Produced by QCTV.
2022 Election Security
- Guest Speakers: Paul Linnell, Secretary of State Deputy Elections Director, and Tom Hunt, Anoka County Elections Manager
- Taped October 10, 2022. Produced by QCTV.
Voting Rights Legislation
- Guest Speaker: US Representative Dean Phillips
- Taped December 13, 2021. Produced by QCTV.
Redistricting - What to Expect and Why It Matters
- Guest speakers, Kathy Tingelstad, member of LWV ABC member and former Minnesota state representative and Paul Huffman of LWV Minnesota discuss Redistricting 2021 and how you can be involved.
- Taped September 13, 2021. Produced by QCTV.
How We Know 2020 Elections Were Fair and Accurate
- A special hour with Secretary of State Steve Simon and county election officials from metro and greater Minnesota as they answer the common questions we continue to hear about the election. Learn about the many checks and balances that are in place to ensure election safety and integrity, and how our local counties managed the special challenges of 2020. Moderated by Michelle Witte, Executive Director of LWV Minnesota. Panelists:
- Secretary of State Steve Simon
- David Maeda, Director of Elections, Office of the Secretary of State
- Pat Dolan, Head Election Judge, Washington County
- Debby Erickson, Administrative Services Director, Crow Wing County, MN
- Andy Lokken, Elections Director, Dakota County, MN
- Michael Stalberger, Director of Property and Environmental Resources, Blue Earth County, MN
- Nancy Nilsen, Chief Deputy Auditor, St. Louis County, MN
- Phil Chapman, Elections Supervisor, St. Louis County, MN
- 62 minutes.Taped March 18, 2021. Produced by LWVMN. Co-Sponsored by LWV ABC and other local LWVs.
Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College
- The League of Women Voters has taken a position since 1970 supporting the Abolition of the Electoral College. Rosemary Heilemann and Michelle Thorne, members of the League of Women Voters Illinois, discuss the League's Electoral College position and the National Vote Compact.
- 64 minutes; December 15, 2020; taped by LWV ABC via Zoom.
- More Electoral College Information from LWV Illinois (including power point)
- More Information on the Electoral College from LWV Wilmette
- Pew Research 2020 Poll on Electoral College
- Gallup 2020 Poll on Electoral College
- National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikepedia
- National Popular Vote Website
The Electoral College
- Mel Aanerud, a 2020 Minnesota Elector, provides a non-partisan presentation on the Electoral College - how it came to be, pros and cons, and what are the prospects of change.
- December 14, 2020; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Building Community of Common Understanding
- LWV ABC Member Sue Butler discusses ways to build common understanding among people with differing political viewpoints.
- 29 minutes; November 9, 2020; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Ballot Security in Minnesota
- Paul Linnell, Anoka County Elections Manager discusses ballot and elections security in Minnesota. The League of Minnesota Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids Area also presents the 2020 Friend of League Award to Columbia Heights Library and Anoka County Library Rum River and Northtown Branches and the 2020 Zilla Way Award to LWV ABC member Patricia Kennedy.
- 64 minutes; October12, 2020; Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
2020 Election During a Global Pandemic
- Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon and Anoka County Elections Manager Paul Linnell discuss (via Zoom) vote from home efforts, absentee ballots, safety precautions at polling sites and the need for election judges.
- 59 minutes; July 27, 2020; Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
How to Conduct an Election in a Time of a Pandemic
- LWV ABC President Gretchen Sabel interviews Senator Michelle Bachman (R, District 31) and Senator Carolyn Laine (D, District 41) about election legislation issues.
- 25 minutes; April 29, 2020; Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
A Primer on the Presidential Primary
- LWV ABC President Gretchen Sabel interviews Paul Linnell, Anoka County Elections Manager, about what to expect with the Presidential Primary.
- 36 minutes; December 10, 2019; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Ranked Choice Voting
- 81 minutes; October 11, 2018; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
- Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera, Common Cause Minnesota executive director, speaks about drawing fair district maps when redrawing the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts in response to changes in population.
- 72 minutes; March 12, 2018; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Money in Politics
- Nick Harper, Civic Engagement Manager for League of Women Voters Minnesota, discusses money in politics.
- 47 minutes; February 12, 2018; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Get Ready to Vote
- Citizens give many compelling reasons to vote. Geri Nelson, LWV ABC Voter Service co-chair, interviews Secretary of State Steve Simon to provide comprehensive information on voting in Minnesota.
- 30 minutes; July 7, 2016; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Caucus: Power Up Your Vote
- LWV Minnesota Executive Director Susan Sheridan Tucker and representatives from the Republican and Democratic Farmers League (DFL) parties provide information about the March 1 2016 precinct caucuses.
- 32 minutes; February 10, 2016; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Campaign Finance Reform
- Gary Goldsmith, Minnesota Campaign Finance Board executive director, State Representative Jerry Newton and former State Representative Kathy Tingelstad participate in a panel discussion.
- 75 minutes; January 14, 2016; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
The Importance of Staying Restless About Democracy
- Guest speaker is Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon.
- 68 minutes; October 15, 2015; organized by LWV ABC; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Restore the Vote: Making Our Community Whole
- 25 minutes; February 12, 2015; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Recycling in Anoka County
- Coon Rapids Recycling Coordinator Colleen Sinclair discusses innovations in recycling services in Anoka County
- Taped January 13, 2025. Produced by QCTV.
Who Manages our Watersheds?
- LWV ABC member Wes Volkenant discusses watershed management and the current Council of Metropolitan Leagues (CMAL) study on watershed management.
- Taped March 11, 2024. Produced by QCTV.
Heat Pump Technology
- Arbor Otalora-Fadner, a representative of the Minnesota Air Source Heat Pump Collaborative, discusses air source heat pump technology as an energy efficient and green upgrade for your home. LWV ABC President Gretchen Sabel shares her recent experience with having an air-source heat pump installed at her house.
- Taped October 9, 2023. Produced by QCTV.
Legislators Update: Impacts to Education and Environment
- Senator Jim Abeler and Representative Zach Stephenson discuss the 2023 legislative session with a focus on Environment and Education Impact.
- Taped September 11, 2023. Produced by QCTV.
Ground Water Specialist in Anoka County
- Guest speaker Chris Lord, District Manager for Anoka County Conservation District, discusses groundwater issues in Anoka County and ACD's request for funding of a Groundwater Specialist.
ACD Groundwater Specialist Request
Coon Rapids Energy Management Plan - How one Anoka County city is approaching energy efficiency and renewable energy to reach sustainability goals
- Guest speakers Kari Rehrauer (Coon Rapids Ward 2 Councilmember) and Olivia Dorow Hovland (Coon Rapids Sustainability Planner) present the Coon Rapids Energy Action Plan recently approved by the city council.
- Taped May 8, 2023. Produced by QCTV.
Answer to Porous Pavement Question
Connecting Climate and Community
- Alisa Reckinger, Communications and Outreach Specialist with Hennepin County's Environment and Energy Department discusses climate change impacts locally in the Twin Cities and provide practical resources, tips, and advice for talking about climate change with your communities and motivating people to take action to address climate change.
- Co-Sponsored by LWV Brooklyn Park/Osseo/Maple Grove (LWV BPOMG)
- Taped June 13, 2022. Produced by QCTV.
Building Pollinator Habitat Part 2
- Emily Johnson from the Anoka Conservation District discusses grants and programs to help build pollinator habitat. Pollinator habitat is part of the work that ACD does, and will be discussed in context of the new Comprehensive Plan that ACD has just completed. ACD’s work is much broader than pollinators, and has promise to green our county.
- 42 minutes. Taped March 16, 2021. Produced by QCTV.
Building Pollinator Habitat All Around
- LWV ABC’s Linda Rodgers and Gretchen Sabel share their successes at developing native plant gardens, and Laurie Schneider from the Pollinator Friendly Alliance will join us for discussion of ideas for using even small bits of land for native plants. If you live in free-standing home, a condo or apartment, you can build pollinator habitat in a space near you.
- 60 minutes. Taped March 8 , 2021. Produced by QCTV.
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Work: State and Local Efforts
- Representative Zack Stephenson of Coon Rapids, is a member of the Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division Committee at the Minnesota House of Representatives and author of the Clean Energy First bill. He discusses energy legislation this year. LWV ABC members Dee Ann Christensen and Lonni McCauley dicuss the newly-organized Coon Rapids Regenerative Task Force. The purpose of this group is to accelerate regenerative energy solutions through education and action in Coon Rapids.
- 49 minutes; June 8, 2020; produced by QCTV
Climate Change - You Can Make a Difference
- LWVABC President Gretchen Sabel provides a short climate change introduction and Peggy Kvam from LWV Minneonka, Eden Prairie, Hopkins presents information about her "better than Net Zero" home that's winning national recognition.
- 43 minutes. November 11, 2019. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Recycling in Anoka County
- Maggie Yauk, Planning and Policy Specialist with Anoka County's Recycling & Resource Solutions and Colleen Sinclair, Recycling Coordinator for City of Coon Rapids, discuss current issues with recycling, how cities and the county work together, new programs, funding, composting, and more.
- 63 minutes. March 11, 2019. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Solar Energy by Connexus
- Brian Burandt, Connexus Energy Power Supply and Business vice president, discusses the firm's initiatives on solar energy and battery storage, and provides an overview on the status of using coal for generating electricity.
- 35 minutes. February 11, 2019. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Anoka Country Drinking Water Supply Protection
- Jamie Schurbon, Anoka Conservation District water resource specialist, and Tannie Eshnauer, Minnesota Department of Health Drinking Water Protection planning director, speak on drinking water safety issues in Anoka County communities.
- 63 minutes. February 13, 2017. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Minnesota 1989 Groundwater Protection Act
- Gretchen Sabel, LWV ABC member, and retired Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Policy Analyst, discusses what the 1989 Minnesota Ground Water Protection Act was meant to do, where there's been success and where more work is needed.
- 46 minutes. 2018. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Water Resources in the QCTV Area: Updates and Opportunities
- Todd Haas, Lower Rum River Water Management Organization chair, explains the purpose of the 16 Minnesota watershed organizations in the seven-county Metro area and issues related particularly with the Lower Rum River watershed.
- 35 minutes. May 9, 2016; Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region Inter League Organization
- Gretchen Sabel, an LWV ABC member, explains the purpose of the League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region Inter League Organization (ILO). The ILO promotes and advocates on issues relating to a large portion of the Mississippi.
- 22 minutes. November 19, 2015. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Water Resources: Water Supply and Environmental Integrity
- Guest speakers are Lanya Ross, Metropolitan Council geologist and Bart Biernat, Anoka County environmental health specialist.
- 60 minutes. February 18, 2015. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
LWV ABC Pollinator Advocacy Project
- Discussion among the League of Women Voters and industry professionals about how to help the decreasing bee population.
- 60 minutes. December 21, 2014. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Health and Safety
Fighting Domestic Violence in Anoka County
- Guest speakers Anoka County Sheriff Brad Wise and Anoka County Attorney Brad Johnson discuss domestic violence prevention in Anoka County. Alexandra House Executive Director Connie Moore joined Wise and Johnson for audience questions.
- Recorded November 9, 2024. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives
- Guest speakers Dr. Nicole MartinRogers of the Wilder Foundation and Juliet Rudie, Director of the Office of Murdered and Indigenous Relatives, present recent research findings on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. Senator Mary Kunesh introduced our speakers.
- Recorded February 12, 2024. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
What is Alexandra House?
- Alexandra House Executive Director Connie Moore discusses violence against women in our area, how victims are supported, social impacts, the need for financial support and why funding has declined.
- Recorded January 8, 2024. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Hungry and Homeless in Anoka County
- Learn more about those who face hunger and homelessness in Anoka County, despite holding jobs or having Social Security income. Does anyone keep track of numbers? Where does funding come from? How can one person make a difference? Hear from our local leaders - Julie Jeppson, Anoka County Commissioner; David Frei, Family Promise; LaChelle Williams, Hope4Youth; and Dave Rudolph, South Anoka County Area food shelf.
- 93 minutes. Recorded November 13, 2023. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Firearms Saftey Update
- Matri Micks of LWV Golden Valley and Chair of the LWVMN Firearms Safety Committee provides an update on firearm safety and how the issue impacts our community, as reported to LWV members by Minnesota law enforcement officers.
- 58 minutes. Recorded March 14, 2022. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Issues Facing the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office
- Anoka County Sheriff James Stewart discusses issues facing the Anoka County Sheriff’s office.
- 76 minutes. Taped November 8, 2021 at Anoka County Sheriff's Office, Andover. Produced by QCTV.
Minding Your Mental Health During Covid19
- Kay King, Older Adults Program Coordinator and Community Educator with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Minnesota presents on the impact of the pandemic on adults, particularly adults of a 'certain age'. Kay's presentation provides tips and suggestions for dealing with isolation, depression, and anxiety. Audience members also shared their strategies and activities for healthy coping in this stressful time. NAMI Minnesota is a nonprofit organization. Their work is important, and is funded by donations. You can make a charitable donation to NAMI Minnesota online.
- 92 minutes. Taped February 8, 2021. Produced by QCTV.
Minnesota Health Care and Affordability
- State senators Jim Abeler (R-35) and Carolyn Laine (D-41) discuss the current status of health care and prospects for future legislation.
- 103 minutes. July 10, 2017. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Community Update on Behavioral Health
- Rob Edward, Lee Carlson Center for Mental Health and Well Being executive director, and Scott Nadeau, Columbia Heights police chief, discuss different aspects of behavioral health concerns.
- 86 minutes. March 13, 2017. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Community Conversation: Sex Trafficking
- Community conversation about sex trafficking in Anoka County, featuring Anoka County Sheriff James Stewart, Karrie Schaaf of Anoka Hennepin School District and Donna McDonald, Anoka County Violence Prevention Coordinator.
- 80 minutes; July 24, 2014; produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
A Strong Start to a New Life
- Corleen Smith, International Institute of Minnesota Immigration services director, explains the services that the Institute offers.
- 55 minutes. September 14, 2016. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Local Government
Understanding Public, Education, and Government (PEG) Television
- Danika Peterson of North Metro TV, Eric Strouse of CTN, and Karen George of QCTV discuss the changing landscape of local cable television and the need for legislation to modernize funding.
- Taped February 15, 2023. Produced by QCTV
Northern Light Express: Is This the Year?
- Northern Lights Express (NLX) is a proposed higher speed train project to connect Minneapolis and Duluth with stops in Coon Rapids, Cambridge, Hinckley, and Superior. The Federal Railroad Administration completed an environmental review and approved the service development plan in early 2018. The project has come close to a funding package in recent legislative sessions. Is this the year? Bills have been introduced to provide $99 million in state funds, unlocking up to $396 million in a federal match. Guest speaker, Jill Brown, is a public information consultant for the NLX Alliance, a joint powers board of government entities along the 155 miles of existing track.
- Taped February 15, 2023. Produced by QCTV
Anoka County Historical Society: The Power of Personal History
- Rebecca Ebnet-Desens, Executive Director of the Anoka County Historical Society, discusses the power of personal history, new happenings at the Anoka County Historical Society and reflect on the collaboration with LWV ABC in documenting the history of League in Anoka county.
- Taped November 14, 2022. Produced by QCTV.
Fridley: A City in Transition
- Scott Hickock, Fridley Community Development Director, discusses the challenges of a city in transition from a city with an aging population to a city that's welcoming to young families, providing a variety of housing and amenities to make Fridley a vibrant community for the future. Co-sponsored by City of Fridley and LWV ABC.
- Taped October 19, 2021 at Fridley City Hall. Produced by City of Fridley.
Transition of Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts to North Suburban Center for the Arts
- Abby Kosberg, Executive Director of the North Suburban Center for the Arts (formerly Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts), discusses the challenges and options facing the arts organzation as Anoka County ends funding on December 31, 2021. Filmed at Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts.
- 30 minutes. Taped August 2021. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.
Anoka County Parks
- Guest speakers Jeff Perry, Director of Anoka County Parks and Anoka County Commissioner Mike Gamache, Chair of the Parks Committee, share what’s happening in our parks, future plans, protection of our natural environment, and the many opportunities for recreation and leisure activities. Filmed at Bunker Hill Regional Park.
- 80 minutes. July 12, 2020. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Anoka County Library: Operations During Quarantine
- Patti Hetrick, Anoka County Library Interim Director, and Jamie Dunn, Adult Services Librarian, discuss (via Zoom) Anoka Library operations and services while buildings are closed, including curbside pick-up, parking lot Wi-Fi, increased eBooks purchases, making library databases services available for home viewing, online newspapers, books by mail and daily live online story time.
- 44 minutes. May 13, 2020. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN
Understanding Public, Education, and Government (PEG) Television
- Danika Peterson of North Metro TV, Eric Strouse of CTN, and Karen George of QCTV discuss the changing landscape of local cable television and the need for legislation to modernize funding.
- Taped February 15, 2023. Produced by QCTV
Local Newspapers and Democracy
- Matt Debow and Ian Reisner of the Anoka County Union join the League of Women Votes ABC, MN to discuss the importance of local newspapers in our communities
- Taped September 9, 2024. Produced by QCTV.
- LWV Washington Study on Local News and Democracy
Minnesota Constitutional Offices
Minnesota Constitutional Offices: Office of the Attorney General
- Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison joins Jody Anderson of LWV ABC and Laura Helmer, LWVMN President, to discuss what the office Attorney General does as the people's attorney.
- Recorded January 18, 2023. Produced by SPNN.
Minnesota Constitutional Offices: The Role of the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and the State Auditor in Minnesota’s Constitutional System
- Mitchell Hamline School of Law Associate Professor Jason Marisam discusses the role of the Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Auditor in Minnesota’s Constitutional System. Jason Marisam teaches constitutional law, administrative law, and civil procedure at Mitchell Hamline School of Law. His research focuses on voting rights, election law, and administrative law.
- 50 minutes. Recorded January 12, 2023. Produced by QCTV, Andover, MN.