Zilla Way Award

Zilla Way Award

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The Zilla Way Award honors a LWV ABC member who has shown outstanding leadership in guiding our League. This award, created in 1996, was named in honor of LWV ABC member Zilla Way, in recognition of her more than seventy years of participation in LWV ABC as a mentor and an advisor.  The award is presented each year at the Annual Membership Meeting.  Members can submit nominations to the Nominating Committee.












202420232022202120202019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |

2014-20102009-2005 | 2004-2000 | 1999-1996 

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Jody Anderson with 2024 Zilla Way Award

Jody Anderson

for co-leading our Action and Advocacy with boundless enthusiasm and knowledge that empowers us. Jody connects us to LWVMN as she tracks legislative issues and she sparkles as a forum moderator.



 Cindy Wetzell holding her 2023 Zilla Way Award

Cindy Wetzell

for leading and invigorating the outreach of LWV ABC voter registration and voter education activities.




Dee Ann Christensen and Wes Volkenant holding their Zilla Way Awards

Dee Ann Christensen and Wes Volkenant

Dee Ann Christensen is a fierce champion of democracy who serves our community by leading LWV ABC efforts in civic education by chairing our Program Committee and furthering government transparency by observing Anoka County Board and Committee Meetings and contributing to the CMAL County Governance Study, while also actively participating in voter services activities and serving on our board of directors. 

Wes Volkenant makes LWV ABC more effective and relevant in our community by leading our efforts to develop redistricting maps for Anoka county, observing Anoka County Board and Committee Meetings, contributing to the CMAL County Governance Study, moderating non-partisan candidate forums, helping organize program meetings and serving on our board of directors.





Linda Rodgers with her 2021 Zilla Way Award 

Linda Rodgers

for outstanding leadership in providing over 40 virtual candidate forums in the midst of the pandemic. Linda is a mighty force for civic engagement - and for inspiring pollinator protection with her native plant gardens




2020 Zilla Way Award Certificate and Pat Kennedy


Patricia Kennedy 

for taking on the task of Membership Chair and using her energy, technical skills, resourcefulness and community connections to help LWV ABC more effectively serve our members.  




Sandra Connor

Sandra Connor 

for leading our LWV 100th Anniversary exhibit at Anoka County History Center, filling the Membership Chair vacancy, and many other activities ... all in her first year of membership. 





Bruce Pomerantz receiving 2018 Zilla Way Award from President Jeorgette Knoll


Bruce Pomerantz

for increasing our visibility and accessibility with technology, enhancing communications with new and prospective members, and challenging our problem solving skills. 




Kathy Whechel presenting Arlene Gillette with Zilla Way Award


 Arlene Gillette

an accomplished forum moderator, high school voter registrar, and gracious leader in our organization.   







Jeorgette Knoll with her Zilla Way Award


Jeorgette Knoll

for her outstanding long-term leadership to our organization and connecting us to successful community involvement. 



Susan Anderson


Susan Anderson 

for stepping in to fill president vacancy and using her experience in community involvement and League to lead us well.  




 Kathy Aanerud with Zilla Way


Kathy Aanerud 

for advancing our League to the local media 




Gretchen Sabel with Susan Anderson and Zilla Way

Gretchen Sabel

for outstanding programs and getting things done 




Kathie Whechel 

Kathie Whelchel 

for welcoming new members and encouraging their involvement




 Zilla Way


Zilla Way

without Zilla there would be no Zilla Way award 



Mary Jo Truchon 

Mary Jo Truchon
water and wisdom 





Kay McCulley 

Kay McCulley 

for her steadfast support 




Doris Gordon 

willing worker over many years




Josephine Nunn

Josephine Nunn

our wise and wonderful mentor




Millie Pratt Giddings

Millie Giddings

many decades of faithful membership and service




Sandra Shanley

Sandra Shanley 

lots to study, so much to say, and so many elections




Marj Perry

Marj Perry

who represents us at Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues, studies housing and other questions important to LWVABC




Lois Ballinger

Lois Ballinger

who conscientiously makes us a team to win the goal of good government




  Geri Nelson

Geri Nelson

who brings order to her world and good times to learning 




Betsy O'Berry

Betsy O'Berry

who followed the money and always knew the bottom line




Dorothy Bridges

a founding member who cared for her city, league, and community neighbors who needed help




Joan Molenaar

Joan Molenaar 

who energetically saves the day for LWV ABC




Carol Bradley

Carol Bradley 

who is ever polite and friendly to the public and public officials


Sandra Shanley

Sandra Shanley 

who keeps us connected with calls and e-mails and is a sounding board for new ideas


Jeorgette Knoll

Jeorgette Knoll 

a dedicated and organized mother, educator, and League member.