Board Make-Up | Current Board | Nominations Committee| Appointed Positions | Elections
The LWV ABC Board manages and supervises the business and activities of LWV ABC subject to the instructions of the Annual Membership Meeting.
The LWV ABC Board of Directors usually meets monthly and are required to meet at least five times a year. All members are welcome to participate in Board Meetings.
Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes are available on the Member's Only webpage.
The Board appoints committee members and Emeritus Board Members at the Board Annual Retreat usually held the month after the Annual Membership Meeting.
The LWV ABC Board of Directors Consists Of:
- Elected officers of LWV ABC (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer)
- Elected committee chairs (Action, Communications, Membership, Program, and Voters Service)
- Up to two Emeritus Board Members (appointed by board)
If a position is held by co-officers or co-chairs, both are members of the board.