Membership Dues
The Board will review dues at the March Board meeting when reviewing the budget and determines if any change is needed. Recommendations for change will be voted on at the Annual Membership Meeting.
Current Dues Policy
(Approved April 12, 2021 by Annual Membership Meeting)
- Individual Membership: $60.00
- Additional Family Member in Same Household: $30.00
- Student Membership: $10.00
- Flexible Dues Membership (Pay what you can): $5.00-$55.00
New Member Procedure
A person becomes a member when the Treasurer receives dues payment.
The Treasurer notifies the Membership Chair, or designee, of the new members's contact information, date received and type of dues paid.
The Membership Chair (or designee)
- Sends a New Member Welcome Letter to the new member
- Adds the new member to the LWV ABC roster and publishes the new roster on the Membership Only website
- Adds the new member to LWVMN membership database
- Adds the new member to the LWVUS membership database
- Adds the new member to LWV ABC's gmail and mailchimp accounts
- Notifies the President, the Membership Committee, the Webmaster and the Newsletter Committe of the new member
- Notifies the appropriate Committee Chair if the member expresses interest in an activity
Membership Renewal Procedure
A Dues Statement will be mailed to members prior to the Annual Meeting. Renewal Dues should be paid prior to or at the Annual Membership Meeting in April.
- Any member who has maintained membership in LWV ABC for 50 consecutive years shall be exempt from dues.
- Those who join for the first time in January - April will have that membership extended to April of the following year.
Any member who fails to pay dues within three months after they become payable may be dropped from the membership rolls.