NEW IN 2025 = For several years, the National League of Women Voters (LWVUS), has been planning to change how dues are collected and how local leagues receive their share of dues. The new dues process will begin on February 1, 2025. The purpose of this change is to standardize the registration process for all League members across the United States, and to make the process more efficient and accurate.
Download a PDF and PREVIEW the 2025 changes here >>
(... Information below this point will be removed once changes are finalized ...)
Your support and membership go directly to the League's work to protect and defend our democracy. Together we can ensure our elections are free, fair and accessible, protect our environment, and reduce the influence of money in our elections.
Membership type (OLD 2024 fee structure):
- Single Membership: applies to an individual 16 years or older for a one-year membership. (the same family group: spouse, adult child, or life-partner).
- Family Membership: applies to two individuals living at the same physical address (the same family group: spouse, adult child, or life-partner).
- Student Membership applies to anyone who is 16 years or older and attends school. Student Membership is Free.
Thank You and Welcome to the League of Women Voters of Volusia County!
Once you click the submit button you will be directed to the payment page.
Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to any person 16 years of age or older,
male or female, and is at no charge for students. Contact Us for more information.