Carol Stream Public Library
616 Hiawatha Dr
Carol Stream
See map: Google Maps
Illinois US
Monday, September 21, 2020 - 2:00pm to Tuesday, September 22, 2020 - 1:45pm
Are you registered to vote at your current address? Do you have questions about the 2020 voting process?
The Wheaton League of Women Voters will be available in the parking lot of Carol Stream Public Library from 2 till 4 p.m. to help you register to vote, request a Vote-By-Mail ballot, and provide information about voting in the 2020 election. You're encouraged to bring your own tablet or smartphone. If you do not have a device, tablets with wi-fi will be available and sanitized after each use. Please bring two forms of ID (one with your current address) to register to vote.
Masks are required. All volunteers will be wearing masks and following social distancing guidelines. Hand sanitizer will be provided.
Issues referenced by this event: